Office Bearers

Advisory Board

Dr. Mohammod Shahidullah

Dr. Mohammod Shahidullah

Past-President, FAOPS 2014 Neonatology & Pediatrics

Dr. Ranjan K. Pejaver

Dr. Ranjan Kumar Pejaver

Past-President, FAOPS 2010 HOD-Pediatrics

Dr. Socorro De Leon-Mendoza

Dr. Socorro De Leon-Mendoza

(Philippines) Neonatology & Pediatrics


Dr. Satoshi Kusuda

(Japan) Department of Pediatrics, Kyorin University Neonatal Research Network of Japan


Dr. Chien Nan Lee

Past-President, FAOPS 2016 Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology College of Medicine National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan


Dr. David A Ellwood

Past-President, FAOPS 2012 Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Griffith University Southport QLD, Australia


Dr. Tsuyomu Ikenoue

Past-President, FAOPS 2008 President of Miyazaki University Miyazaki, Japan

Dr. T'sang T'ang Hsieh

Dr. T'sang T'ang Hsieh

Past-President, FAOPS 2004 Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwanq


Dr. Victor Yu

Past-President, FAOPS 1998 Emeritus Professor (Neonatology) Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

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